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[?CODEFORGOTTEN?] [?/CODEFORGOTTEN?] [?CODESEND?] An e-mail is being send to the registered e-mailaddress. Click on the resetlink in the e-mail to change your password. [?/CODESEND?]
[?MANUFACTURER?][?CODEFORGOTTEN?] [?/CODEFORGOTTEN?] [?CODESEND?] An e-mail is being send to the registered e-mailaddress. Click on the resetlink in the e-mail to change your password. [?/CODESEND?] |
Web banner
[?WEBBANNERPAY?]The Plastic Fantastic Library website is visited every day by thousands of designers and product developers. As manufacturer/supplier you would like to expose your plastics to these visitors.
Upload your company logo and after payment you are secured of a web banner for 2 years. The dimensions of the provided web banner must be: height 100px and width between 100px to 180px. Only gif, jpg and png files are accepted.
After your payment it will take 3 days to process your web banner on the Plastic Fantastic Library home page.
Only jpg, gif and png files are accepted. Height must be 100px, width between 100px and 180px.
Your web banner is active until [WEBBANNERDATE].
[?ADVERTORIALPAY?]Advertise in our quarterly Plastic Fantastic newsletter. Each issue features hot plastic topics, latest development in plastics and designs. Our newsletter will be distributed to our customers, members and partners.
Upload your advertorial, maximum of 2 A4 pages and the advertorial price is €495,00 excl.VAT.
After your payment it will take 5 days to process your advertorial and to be checked by the Plastic Fantastic Library team. When agreed, you are secured of your advertorial in the newsletter. The newsletter that we will be sent to the Plastic Fantastic Library customers.
Your payment has been received and your advertorial is approved. You are secured of an advertorial that will be send to the Plastic Fantastic Library customers.
[?/ADVERTORIALPAID?] [?UPLOADEDADVERTORIAL?] View uploaded advertorial
You can upload datasheets here.[?FILESUPLOADED?] Your datasheets have been uploaded!
[?/FILESUPLOADED?] [?FILESNOTUPLOADED?] An error has occured, your files were not uploaded!
[?SAMPLEORDERS?]Sample orders |
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